There Aren't Enough Unicorns...

Or there aren't enough REAL unicorns, at least. Read more about what The Caroline Doll, CEO of POSH PR®, thinks it means to be a unicorn in the branding world!

Today I’m reviewing course material for “The PR Behind the Pretty” business intensive we’re holding this January. It’s been a couple months since I opened “The UNICORN Guide.” When I first created this worksheet, “unicorn” probably wasn’t even a hashtag, really. Despite the 7,000,000+ unicorn hashtag posts today, I don’t think there are enough real unicorns. 

I totally see the contradiction there re: real unicorns. There’s also total irony in saying “there aren’t enough unicorns!” Part of what it is to be a unicorn is to be “rare,” i.e. there aren’t a lot of them! But without giving too much of “The UNICORN Guide” away, I want to define what I mean when I use the term!

There is no other breed like the unicorn. What makes a unicorn is that they are mystically unique. The “powers” they have can’t be found in any other animal. According to legend, unicorns were prized because they were able to detract poison or toxins from the body. At a time when medieval potions were all the rage, they were that rare commodity everybody desired! 

Like a unicorn, YOU are unique. You have a formula of gifts and talents that add up to a power that nobody else has! Believe or not, there’s a feeling or experience that can only come from the words, service, or product that is your business!

Unicorns are fierce. There are who they are unabashedly. The things that make them different, colorful hair, a horn pointing out from their forehead — those differences aren’t reason for doubt, they’re all reasons to celebrate! Their proud to stand out from among the crowd, and throw in a little sparkle while they’re at it!

“The UNICORN Guide” worksheet is a little more technical than this blog post, but so much of what lays behind successful branding is the ability to capitalize on what makes your brand YOUR brand. Offering something no one else can offer is you’re competitive advantage that ultimately makes it so that you have NO competition! 

There aren’t enough unicorns. But in 2018, I can’t wait to change that. I can’t WAIT to inspire you and help you build a brand of mythical proportions! Contact us at to start building your brand! We can't WAIT to hear from you!

PS: Click here to shop my favorite pink Kate Spade unicorn ring! XoC

GirlbossCaroline Kalentzos