Story of a Southern Belle


Dolls, sometimes the cobbler has no shoes…while I’m constantly telling clients to think about the “why behind the brand,” I often forget to share my own story! And in honor of National Southern Belle Day, here’s the story of a true Southern Belle: my momma!

My sweet mother raised me in Louisville, Kentucky — although she was originally from Oklahoma. She taught me to mind my manners, choose grace, and have fresh cut flowers always. And aside from giving me comfort, strength, and all the tools a little girl needs to grow up and be her best self, she gave me my blog’s name.

PS: She is also the former VP of American Heart Association on the Government Relations side so, yes, she’s taught me #allthethings PR on the @poshpr side of the business! 

That’s right! My mom was the first to call me her “little Caroline doll.” And you know what? I never dreamed that this nickname would become a flourishing business, where I get to empower and lift up women, the way my mom empowered and lifted me up.

Calling myself The Caroline Doll reminds me that I’m still that little southern girl with big dreams and a big smile. Growing up doesn’t mean letting go of that…it just means the dreams and smiles get bigger, too!

So today, on National Southern Belle Day, remember to say please and thank you, tell your momma you love her, and be the woman you’ve always wanted to be!

PPS: A dream without a plan is just a wish! Let’s collaborate and get those big dreams on a calendar!


The Caroline Doll