In Memory of Kate Spade | Live Colorfully | Fashion Blogger

Caroline Kalentzos, CEO of POSH PR®, shares important reminders through the life of Kate Spade

A while ago, we featured Kate Spade as a POSH Icon. The opening sentence? “Being an entrepreneur isn’t a safe thing.”


“She is quick and curious and playful and strong.” One glance into Kate Spade’s entrepreneurial journey gives life to those words. She left Kansas City with a degree in Journalism and in five years worked her way up to senior fashion editor at a department store in New York City. She quit her day job and dared to follow her dreams!


“Be happy. Be bright. Be you.” She was a success because she was freely Kate Spade, and no one else. She did not try and compete with the established luxury brands. She offered something new, accessible luxury with color and personality! — she offered kate spade, the brand.


“She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.” Every Kate Spade piece promises to brighten a room, to add a pop of color. The kate spade brand inspires a lifestyle, a lifestyle of bringing light and joy into whatever room you walk into.

Kate’s passing, however, leaves us another strong reminder though, dolls. No matter how pretty, joyful and exuberant a person is on the outside or on their Instagram, we never know the battle a person may be fighting on the inside.

Success, fame, money — none of these things are immune to the dark depths of depression. None of those things can tend to the deepest matters of the heart. God created each of us to be in relation with one another, to know and to be known.


I think the world of social media tends to walk in the same pace of the world of fame and success. It is so easy to get caught up in the likes, the perfect post, what others say and think about you. Being a successful entrepreneur isn’t a safe thing because oftentimes success does blind us to what truly matters. It turns your focus inward, when the most fulfilling direction is for it to be outward. To reach out to a friend, to slow down and talk with them. To be still and know. Surround yourself with the people you love. Surround the people you love.