When A Childhood Game Turns Into A Lifetime Business

The Caroline Doll, CEO of POSH PR®, talks about the transformative power of kindness!

While Sunday was “National Random Acts of Kindness Day”, today I wanted to write about the power of kindness. Kindness has the power to transform.

When I was little, my mom and I used to have a game we cleverly called, “Random Acts of Kindness.” When I got home from school she would ask, “Who did you make smile today?” or “Who did you love on?” As a child, I had no idea the impact this fun little game would have on me as an adult. 

The other day Costa and I were walking into a store when I whispered to him to hold the door for the woman a few steps behind him. He hadn’t even noticed her yet, and laughed. I’m aware of surroundings enough for the both of us! My mom instilled incorporating random acts of kindness into my daily life and that has not only shaped and made me into the woman I am today, but also it has shaped the culture of POSH PR®. 

When we orient our hearts and minds to look out for others, our whole perspective on our lives and our jobs transforms. As the saying goes, people remember how you made them feel more than anything else. 

Kindness is limitless. Too often we get stuck asking the macro question of, “What should I do with my life?” and come up wanting. But when we ask the micro question, “What can I do with this moment?”, you’ll find the possibilities are endless when it comes to serving someone else, bringing a smile to someone else’s face! 

Now that I think about it, I’m still playing that little game of ours! At the end of the day, elevating my clients’ brands to a level that brings them happiness and helps them to love doing what they do — THAT’S the POSH PR® objective. 

If you’re ready to build your brand, if you need help managing your brand’s social media, or if your brand is in need of a little refresh, contact us here! We’re always looking for more people to make smile and more people to love on! It’s what we do best