My 2021 Word of The Year


Happy New Year, Dolls!!  I love this time of year, not only because it’s typically celebrated with Champagne, but because it’s a chance for a fresh start. No matter what kind of year you previously had, January 1st marks a new beginning for everyone.  I look at this day as hitting our very own reset button. Today allows us to set the tone for our attitude for the rest of the year, so I am sending positive (and pink) vibes only! I always strive to start the new year off on the best foot forward… In stilettos, of course.

If you aren’t familiar with my tradition—I always choose a word of the year for my inspiration for the next 365 days! I guess you could look at it as choosing a theme for a themed party, but instead it’s a themed year!  When making my selection, I reflect on the goals I have set to accomplish in the new year.  In the past, my words of the year were “pivot” for 2018, “elevate” for 2019, and “evolve” for 2020. This year I went in a slightly different direction that may come as a surprise, but I am so thrilled to share with you, Dolls!  So, with that being said, I now introduce you to my 2021 Word of The Year…

 ***drum roll, please***


Yes, Dolls—you read that, correctly! Haha! “Sugar Mama” is my 2021 word of the year. I am cultivating an entirely different definition to this word in 2021.  In The Caroline Doll’s Dictionary, I define “Sugar Mama” as the following:

Sugar Mama (noun.) — A well respected woman who can always be counted on for support. 

Example: “Whether it’s growing your business, making you money, or emotional support—your Sugar Mama is there for you.”


When it comes to the “Sugar” in “Sugar Mama” I want this to be the year of making more money.  I want my Dolls, my clients, and my church making more money because of me!  I mention the church specifically because as a woman of strong faith I always give back to my church each year.  So in 2021, I have to make more money in order to give more money and that is exactly what I am going to do!

So basically The Caroline Doll turns into The Sugar Mama in 2021. Haha! But seriously—all jokes aside—I want POSH PR® to be the Dolls everyone can rely on for everything.

Now let’s talk about the “Mama” in “sugar Mama.” Being the “Sugar Mama” isn’t just all about making money, but giving full support to the people in your life.  As the Boss Doll® + CEO of a luxury branding agency, we want all of our clients to know they can fully count on us for a successful year no matter what challenges arise. When POSH PR® shows up, I want my clients to know that everything is going to be okay!  As a “Sugar Mama” I am here for all of the people in my life, whether it’s for making money, emotional support, fashion advice, etc.  This is the year that not only am I the girl who is making money and making my clients money, but I am the go-to girl for #dollthethings!

So, with that being said… Who is ready to make money moves? Because, this Sugar Mama sure is! I hope and pray that you all are blessed in 2021! Remember, today is a new beginning! SO! Choose the person you want to be and the dreams you want to chase… Now put on your best outfit and go for it! 

Happy New Year!! 

Sending you lots of love from The Doll HQ.
