I Love You, Always, Forever

Love is defined as “an intense feeling of deep affection”, but can love really be summed up in just a few words?  Love is BIG and love is worth talking about!  But there are so many kinds of love — love for a significant other, love for a friend, and even love for a non-living thing!  My advice?  Fall in love with as many things as possible!  

I know I know, this sounds silly at first, but what I mean is that I want you to feel in love with everything you do.  You can of course feel this for your significant other, but I want you to feel it  in your work, in your everyday life, in the people you surround yourself with, and so much more!  Love is such an amazing feeling and it should be experienced in all aspects of life.  I fall in love each day when I walk into #TheDollHQ, when I see my sweet pups running around #TheDollDreamHouse, and when I see others succeed!  

But how can we show our care for others?  I have always loved showing love to the people that I care about.  Whether it’s time spent with my sweet Constantine or pretty mail that I send out to my clients, I love making others feel appreciated.  Simple words of appreciation or checking in on a friend you haven’t talked to in a while are quick ways that make others feel valued.  

For me, love cannot be defined in just a few simple words, but it can be experienced, shared, and given to everyone around you!  My sweet Dolls, share love, give love, and do it often!
