Styling Success

CEO of Posh PR®, The Caroline Doll, talks about the importance of creating your own definition of success!

Alright, Ms. Webster, time to do a little updating because the definition of SUCCESS is NOT “the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.” How empty is that?!

“Success”, n. -

(1) An ever evolving term that does not possess one objective definition! 

(2) A term personally defined by the go-getter.

(3) A process, not a set-in-stone, one-chance-only goal!

I think one of the worse things a girl (or anyone!) can do is subscribe to a single, collective definition of the word “success.” The second worse thing she can do? Look to another person’s definition of success and make it her own. In its truest nature, a person’s definition of success should be ever-expanding, including the things that can not be measured in numbers (ie. Popularity, monetary value, “likes”). You know why? Because when we measure success only by objective values, we are looking outward. Putting our measure of validation in the hands of people we do not know, who most likely do not know what your real dreams and passions are, and who have their own definitions of success that may look entirely different than yours! Success is NOT something that can be compared from the outside looking in, dolls. There will always be someone who has more followers, more clients, more publicity. What an exhaustingly endless ladder to climb!

What is YOUR definition of success? Does it mean a six figure income? Does it mean quality time spent with your family? Is it accomplishing something small today, that will make for a better tomorrow? Does it mean being creatively challenged? Or structured? It’s SO important to take the time to notice the things that bring you joy! They’re little knocks on your personal door to success. I love sitting down and listening to girls talk about their dreams. An energy starts building up inside and I can’t WAIT to talk about turning those dreams into reality. I love fashion. The site of a new Vogue magazine, matched by the smell of coffee in the morning, and accompanied by Costa, that adds so much joy into my week. Partnering with a new client, and completing a fabulous fashion infused event? That feels SO good! These are all successes to me. Big and small! Write down things you know bring YOU joy, and I promise that your road to success will start to map itself out! Remember, though, success is a journey, not a destination!

Treat every day as a canvas for success. Fill it! A new success can be made in a moment! When you keep filling your life with these small successes, you’ll soon have an empire of success! Don’t let yourself think success is some far off “X” on the map!

Success is a lot like style. It's your own, and only YOU can flaunt it! Be honest with yourself and reflect on what your definitions (PLURAL!) of success are . . . and THEN you can chase them!

GirlbossCaroline Kalentzos