7 Lessons For 7 Years of POSH PR®

I cannot even believe I am saying this, but POSH PR® turned 7 years old yesterday!  I don’t think the Champagne is going to stop flowing this week because we have SO much to celebrate!  One thing that hasn’t changed over the years?  Champagne Is STILL Always The Answer!  


In so many ways, 7 years have gone by in the blink of an eye.  When I started this little dream, I knew I could take it far, but I still find it hard to find the words to sum up how amazing this journey has been!  What started on a pink flamingo float in the pool has grown into a successful business with 7 Dolls!  We have had the opportunity to serve clients worldwide, traveled all across the country, and met some of the most inspiring people along the way.  I am forever inspired by the Boss Dolls™ that have come into my life!  

As each year passed, POSH PR® evolved…and so did I!  I feel so blessed to look back on these past 7 years.  But Dolls, it wasn’t always glitter and sunshine — There were some tough times!  The sacrifices I made along the way were all a stepping stone on this journey and I wouldn’t change a thing.  Owning your own company is not for the faint of heart, but what I can tell you is that when you stay true to you and persevere through the tough times, you will find that the journey was all worth it.  

I have learned countless lessons along the way and I wanted to take the time to share a few of those with you today!  Whether you’re already on your way or are about to take that big dive towards living your dream life, these are for you!


Barbie is proof that a girl can reimagine her career whenever she wants!

Now we all know that I am a Barbie girl through and through and I have my reasons, Dolls!  Barbie may be stylish and beautiful and have an enviable closet, but those are not the best things about her.  Barbie is a girl on a mission!  She is a doctor, a teacher, a CEO, and so much more.  I love that she isn’t afraid to redefine who she is and switch up her career goals.  Let her serve as an inspiration to you.  If you’re thinking about taking that big jump and switching careers — DO IT!  Do not let where you are define where you are going.  You may even get your own Barbie Dream House along the way!

Her success is not your failure! 

Dolls, this is a big one and I will stand by it forever.  When you put your focus on community over competition, you will grow into someone you are proud to be.  When someone else wins, it does NOT mean that you failed.  Applaud your fellow Boss Dolls™ and cheer them on as you both work towards your goals!

It’s not the final destination, it’s the journey!

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey.  I know I am guilty of it, but tunnel vision is a real thing!  We can get so focused on the end goal, that we forgot to pick our heads up and enjoy the view.  My advice?  Take moments to unplug and take in the moment that you are in.  

Don’t always listen to that voice in your head — she can be mean!

The voice in our head can be the best, but she can also break you down.  Listen to her when she tells you you’re worth it, when she tells you to keep going, and when she applauds your accomplishments.  Ignore her when she’s judging the number of followers you have, when she’s doubting your dreams, and when she’s questioning your mission.  Like with anything, you’ll need to filter out the bad and hang on to the good!  Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace.  Allow the inner dialogue in your head to cheer you on instead of breaking you down!  

The way that you say “No” truly defines you

Okay Dolls, here’s a dose of truth for you!  How you make others feel will become how they remember you.  Even when you are saying “no”, formulate thoughtful responses that show off your kind heart!  For example, if someone sends me an email, I never just delete it and move on.  Remember, you don’t ever want to burn a bridge in business!  People won’t always remember what you said, but they WILL remember how you made them feel.  Make sure to leave them with a positive impression.

If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.

You know what they say — Teamwork makes the dream work!  I couldn’t believe in this more!  But if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that women who work together, RISE together!  When women collaborate and learn from each other, we are truly the strongest force out there.  The same is true at #TheDollHQ.  Each of the Dolls has their own “area of genius” as I like to call it.  When each of us brings our best to the table, we dream up more than I could have ever imagined on my own.  Do what you do best and don’t be afraid to learn from others who are great at things that are different than your strengths.  

Don’t let anyone judge you for what fires you up !

Okay this last one is super important!  When I started my company, people told me I’d never be successful if I used pink, leopard print, and Champagne as a motto.  I am SO happy I didn’t listen to those people!  The truth is, not everyone will love you, and once you realize that you’ll be okay.  You should never be ashamed of the things you love.  Remember Dolls, never let ANYONE dull your sparkle!!